Until I found another that I felt like I connected with so completely, I then gave in to the feeling of not being a loner anymore. It took some time, but I saw what it was to have the affection, and love, and energy of another in my World that wanted similar things that I did. Like, happiness.. laughter, good people, fun, travel, heartiness and adventure. Someone that wanted to learn about the World as I did through experience and first hand knowledge. It all became so clear that I was not meant to be alone, just needed to figure out who I was first before I became involved in the affairs of being in a relationship of any sort with anyone else.
It strengthened me to the point, that when that phase of my life came to a change..and we were not solely together anymore.. I felt better for having known that love and energy, and laughter and life. I became the man, the guy, the person I never thought I was.. but know myself to actually be.
Nowadays I focus on my Family, like my Mother and Siblings. I have no spouse or children of my own, but I have some very important and special people in my life that I want to help take care of. I am able to do that, because I have reconnected with the man that I never really knew before. He was always there, it was just a matter of being coached into man-hood. Having never had a strong relationship with my own Father, it took a bit longer.. but I finally feel like I started to "grow up" a few years ago. In that I mean I began to take responsibility for myself and my actions, and the "invincible" me that once existed now knows that it is all about the balance of things and that I need to be aware of my actions, because there is always a definite re-action.
I have re-connected with who I am, and now back onto what I want to be. It's all in the works, but the most satisfying part is that I know t hat now, and I can rely on myself to pull it off.